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GENERAL INDEX (News Sheets 1-61) News Sheet Albert Square (terraced cottages) 38
Aircrash near Hayhills (1940) 31
Aire (body in the river) 10
Airedale Shed (textile mill complex) 3, 15, 52, 53
Airedale Shed fire (1907) 44, 51
Aire View School 40
Apprenticeships (by churchwardens) 31
Aqueduct, Barden 28
Aqueduct, Nidd 28
Bank House (canal side property) 36
Banklands Lane fields 22
Becks Mill 3, 4, 13
Becks Mill (workers’ terraced cottages) 38
Berry and Fletcher - Textile Manufacturers 52, 53, 56
Black Pots Farmstead 47, 54
Bolton Priory (holdings in Silsden) 32
Bolton Road (terraces) 38
Bolton Road, no. 23a 39
Bolton Rosd, no. 71 (tiliing in hallway) 56
Bolton Road School 40
Botanical brewery, North Street 39, 48
Bridge Road 7, 8
Bridge Street 6, 7, 8, 35
Briggs (printers) 12
British Empire Exhibition 1924 (visit to) 20
Brooks (gentlemen’s outfitters) 29
Civil War ballistics? (English Civil War) 51
Coalmining 35, 36
Coat of Arms (Silsden) 18
Canal Works (Elliott Street) 8, 14
Cinema (Silsden Picture Palace plaque) 60
Clark Fold (St. John’s S 21, 48, 49
Clog Bridge – Launderette 52
Clog Bridge – Wilson’s barbers’ shop 52
Clog Bridge - Widening in 1964 60
Cobbydale (origin of name) 2, 9, 12
Constable (village, appointed by vestry) 10
Co-operative Society 6, 25, 45, 45
Cenotaph (original site) 24
Court Leet 18
Craven Drive Estate 43
Crossmoor 44, 45
Daisy Hill 9
Domesday Book entries for Silsden 32
Driver Brothers (textile manufacturers) 14, 58
Driver (William) & Sons Ltd. (nail works) 30
Droving road through Silsden 47
Elliott Street Mills 14
Encaustic tiles at 71, Bolton Road 56
Farming: Mediaeval 22,
Fentiman, botanical brewery 39, 40
​Fire Brigade 34, 35, 44
Flesher’s Bridge 33
Foresters (Ancient Order of) 9
Gas provision in SIlsden 24
Gas Works on Hainsworth Road 24
Gaudy Lands (Jackson’s Field) 47
Ghyll Grange Clough 47
Ghyll Grange Farm 32
Green Farm (Greengate) 26
Greengate 27
Green’s Textile Mill 52
Grinning Rat beer house (Crossmoor) 44
Guide stone (Bank/Cringles Lane junction) 43
Hainsworth House (villa) 11, 35, 43
Hawber Cote 22
Hawber Lane (Fields) 22
Highfield Works, North Street 39
Hill, Benson & Bailey Textile Mill 52
Holden 17, 35, 36
Holden Beck (Lumb Bridge) 55
Horne Farm (Kirkgate) 20, 21, 24
Horne’s Garret (Nicholson’s Place) 20
Hothfield School 40
Ice cream business (St. John’s Street) 40, 43, 46, 52
Ickringills MIll (Canal Works) 8, 9
Jackson’s Field (Gaudy Lands) 47
John & Sons Ltd. (Airedale Shed) 15
Kirkgate: Flesher’s Bridge 33
Kirkgate: Traffic accident in 1930 56, 57
Lady Anne Clifford (Burial in Appleby Church 59
Law and Order 3, 5, 6
Leeds & Liverpool Canal 5, 25
Local Board of Health 23, 24
Lumb Bridge (Holden Beck) 55
Mawkin (field name) 22, 25
Mediaeval oxgangs 22
Nail makers 27, 28, 29
Nail makers (tramping) 31
Nicholson’s Place 20, 21, 24
North Street Mill (textile mill) 14
Oddfellows 22, 33, 34, 36, 45
Omnibus Company, Silsden (1909-1911) 34
Pastimes (of Silsdeners) 54
Penny Peck Hall (33, Keighley Road) 36
Photographers 7, 8, 12, 33, 34. 35
Plaque (erected by SLHG) 48
Playing fields (Park) 51
Police Station Riot 45
Police Station Court Case 46
Price’s Outfitters 28
Red Lion (Kirkgate) 10, 31
Riding the Stang 6
Robin Hood’s Stone 17
Roman Road (Addingham) 58
St. James Church:
Story of the Church 48, 49, 50
Bells 19
Churchyard 23, 32
Churchwardens 31
National School 39, 40
Vestry administration 3
Georgian vicarage 50
Edwardian vicarage 51
Sanitary conditions in town (1869) 23
Skipton Road (terraces) 38
Skipton Road West Edwardian semis 50, 51, 52
Silsden House (Victorian villa) 16, 18, 35, 41, 41, 43, 51, 52, 55, 57
Silsden Moor (farms and place names) 54
Stained glass 35
Stakes Beck 33, 55
Steeton & Silsden railway station 17
Talbot Inn (Kirkgate) 10
Taylor’s Textile Mill (Waterloo Mills complex) 52
Tar Topping Farm (Crossmoor) 25, 26
Textile industry 8, 13, 35, 52, 56
Textiles (glossary of cloth types) 15
Theory Club (spoof Silsden club) 23
Throstle Nest Farm 42
Tiles (in hallway of 71, Bolton Road) 56
Token (Waterloo Mills) 53, 54
Traffic accident on Kirkgate in 1930 56
Turnpike 15
Victorian wallpaper 28
W.W.2 air crash near Hayhills (1940) 31, 32
Wade, H. (Briggate grocer) 48
Wadsworth’s Bridge (Low Holden) 36
Waterloo Mills 13, 14, 15, 17, 52, 53, 54
Wesleyan Chapel 48
Wesley Place 12
Wharfinger, Jonas Newton (Canal wharf) 5
Wilson, A. & Son Ltd. (New Close Shed) 15, 52
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